An estimated 9 million Americans suffer from difficulty swallowing, otherwise known as “dysphagia.” Dysphagia becomes more prevalent with age, affecting up to 1 in 5 older adults, and up to 40 percent of the residents at nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. Dysphagia may be the result of health conditions, such as stroke, head injury, dementia, MS, MSA, ALS, Huntington's Disease, Cerebral Palsy, and cancer to name a few. People diagnosed with dysphagia are at a higher risk of aspiration, dehydration, and malnutrition. Using a beverage and food thickener is often recommended for safer swallowing.
People with dysphagia have difficulty swallowing liquids, which can lead to aspiration (when food or liquid enters the lungs) and pneumonia. Thickening liquids can help those with dysphagia swallow more comfortably and safely. Thickeners can be added to liquids such as water, juice, milk, tea, broth, and purées creating a thicker, smoother consistency that slows food down, making it easier to manipulate and providing more time for the muscles "time to catch up." Liquid thickeners improve the chances of the food going down the "right pipe"(the esophagus) to the stomach and reduce the likelihood that the food will go down the "wrong pipe" (the trachea/windpipe) and end up in the lungs.
Always put your Clear DysphagiAide® into a clean DRY glass first then pour liquid over the thickener powder while stirring.
Always add milk or creamer, & sugar, to your coffee or tea FIRST, then use thickener. Adding milk, sugar, or creamer to your prepared thickened drink may result in clumping.
Individuals with dysphagia can still enjoy ice cubes- The water just needs to be thickened first! You can also enjoy flavored cubes. Follow the directions to mix your favorite juices with Clear DysphagiAide®, pour into ice cube trays, and freeze. Add them to your favorite thickened drink. As the ice cubes melt, the juice will be the consistency you originally made.
49.38 oz (1000 Serving Jar) Label
Nutrition Facts and Directions on Back of Packets
Clear DysphagiAide Thickener Back Label 180 serving and 400 Serving Jar
Using Clear DysphagiAide to thicken a glass of water is as easy as 1-2-3!
Watch now.
You don't have to miss out on your morning cup of coffee! Watch this video to see how to thicken a hot cup of coffee.
Many Thickeners Do NOT work with MiraLax® or Benefiber® but Clear DysphagiAide® does. Watch the video to learn more about proper mixing.
NFOSD is dedicated to providing direct patient support, education, and research; raising public, professional and governmental awareness, and advancing the prevention and treatment of swallowing disorders.
IDDSI is an international collaboration of professionals who developed a standardized framework for labeling texture-modified foods and thickened liquids. The framework is designed to avoid the confusion created by variable terminology and definitions to describe modified diets around the world.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website provides information and resources for professionals, patients, and care givers. You can also find a SLP care provider.
Dysphagia occurs 30-50% of individualswho have had a stroke. Click below for information about dysphagia after a stroke
More than 80% of people with Parkinson's develop dysphagia during the course of the disease. Click below for information about dysphagia and Parkinson's Disease
Dysphagia is especially prevalent among the elderly; for instance, studies suggest that up to 75 percent of nursing home residents experience some degree of dysphagia, and that as many as half of all Americans over 60 will experience dysphagia at some point after that age.
According to medical research, as many as 90 percent of children with Cerebral Palsy may show symptoms of dysphagia.
Don’t let dysphagia limit your experiences. Apply for assistance from Dysphagia Food Bank today!
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